Thursday, January 10, 2008

Style mein jeene ka!

If you are not well dressed you are not well prepared for an interview however hard you might have prepared for the last few nights, days or months!

If you are in the class immediately after you are out of the bed you have no interest in it, even though you are the most attentive student in the class.

If you are sober, sensitive the opposite sex thinks you cannot be a great lover, even though you are the most optimistic and energetic extrovert on earth.

If you don't have 'the accent', or at least the fake accent, you are not the communicating kind, you are the gawar, even though you might have the best vocabulary and have the best social network.

If you are dressed and with funky hair, you are the coolest one, even though you have not washed your clothes for 20 years and not taken bath after birth!
Lemme stop here. The World Goes By The Looks!.. Nop, not even that. The World Notices Only What is Flaunted. It does not try to understand beyond it!

To mere bahi, Style mein jeene ka!

(This is because ppl often do not understand that "objects/instantiations of concepts continue to exist even if we can't perceive them". )

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sequel to God and time post.

Why do spiritualists say the whole universe is inside God?
Look at the graph above:
Any direction you move away from the origin, the coordinates tend to become infinity. In a 2D coordinate plane, moving along the green or red or blue line, the X-coordinates and Y-coordinates become infinity. It seems you always reach the same point whose co-ordinates are (|∞|,|∞|).

The whole plane can be seen as encapsulated with in a 'point' G (\∞\,\∞\). If we talk about the universe, it is multidimensional, with time being one of the dimensions. So, the whole universe (the substrate of time and space) seems to be encapsulated within the point G (\∞\,\∞\,\∞\,\∞\,\∞\....).

The dimensions are the characteristics of universe that are both tangible and abstract. Spiritual index can also be a co-ordinate, goodness can be another, 'bad'-ness can be yet another.
The only concept, even if its instantiation does not exist, that has infinite co-ordinates with each of the co-ordinates as infinity is God.

That means the whole world, time, space can be seen as encapsulated within this conceptual point called God.

[added at 6:25 PM]

The right usage should be 'this conceptual whole called God, G(|∞|,|∞|,|∞|,|∞|,|∞|,|∞|....)'.

Friday, January 4, 2008

When did time start

Was discussing what Infinity is with my roomie whom we call Vaastu. He showed me the mantra (Theorem) that claims to describe what God is.

purnamadah purnamidam purnaat purnamudachyate
purnasya purnaamadaya purnameva vashishyate.
purnamadah: 'That is complete.'
'This is complete.'
purnat purna mudachyate
- 'From that completeness comes this completeness'

purnasya purnamadaya
- If we take away this completeness from that completeness'

purnameva vashishyate:
'Only completeness remains.'

Notice that this 5000 year old theorem says Infinity+infinity =infinity and Infinity - infinity = infinity.

This shloka answered one question that always perplexed me. When was universe created? When did God start being? When did time start?

If I want some point P (P,0) on X-axis to be the start , then what I do is move the origin of the co-ordinate plane to that point. What effectively I have done is that I have subtracted P from every point on the axis. Or I have replaced co-ordinates of every point (x,y) with (x-P,y) and the co-ordinates of the new origin is (P-P,0) ie, (0,0) in the new reference frame when P is finite.

Now, if I have to find when time started or when creation started or when God started being, I need to know what 'P' i need to subtract. But, God is completeness, that is he is Infinity. So, to point to when God started being, my P = infinity and co-ordinates of that origin are (infinity - infinity, d1, d2,d3,d4,...). d1,d2 etc are the coordinates of origin in different dimensions, time being the first co-ordinate. I do not know how many dimensions does this universe have. But infinity-infinity = infinity. That means such an origin is infinitely in the past. This means universe has no start. God has no start.

So, to ask when did God start being or when did time start or when did universe start is absurd. It always existed and will always exist. Time never started and will never end.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Free will & God

Do you believe in free will? Can a human being do all that he wills? Aren't we bound by the limitations that nature imposes on us?

We know the limitations and still talk about free will. Yes, we do have free will in imagining and restrained free will in acting. But, man wants to act all that he wills. This is the cause of all pain. We know our limitations and yet, we want to go beyond them which is an impossibility. Is this an impossibility?

Philosophers, throught out the world and at all times, have tried to answer the question of "what is man capable of?". Scientists do agree that we are bound by the nature's limitations. But, spiritualist argue the other way. They see human being as an 'eternal' soul for which 'impossibility' is an impossibility. But, again, they contradict themselves by saying that the 'conditioned' mind cannot realise this inert potential. To exact this potential from within, they claim, is possible through spiritual awakening. But can it be proved? People who claim to have done that, have become prophets, saints and elusive!

Atheists do not realise that they are different from rationalist and have created their own 'religion' and dogma. They do not have the answer either.

An Indian philosopher has put it this way. He says, every living being has free will to think and imagine. Actually, he says, animals have restricted free will even in thinking, limited by the inferior physical form. But, to act the thought, nature's help is needed.

Does nature treat each human being in a different way? Its the same for all. Nature is reflective. We dictate how the nature should affect us. Then why is the difference in capabilities of individuals? Nature has no preferential love for any one particular man, does it?

The Philosopher's answer was that it is the eternal nature of 'that individual's soul' that dictates how nature acts towards him. And God only facilitates this.

Oh man, God!!! Why the heck did God come into discussion? Because, we see we are so very incapable and yet believe we can act all our thoughts. So, if a person can do that, even hypothetically, he would be called God.

Exactly, this is what this Philosopher says. God is yet another soul, but with more potencies and in control of his potencies. (Sanskrit: Hari Sarvottama).

So, if one has complete freewill, hes God! All other lowly souls like me and her and you, can only think free( I doubt this :) ). Our actions are restricted by the nature's limitations. So, should I be content with what I get and not feel sorry and sad for what I can't posses?

God, only, knows it!