Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I Dare to Dream. I relish this spoiling indulgence.

Things that I want to happen and things that I wanted to happen. Either of these are expectations, one as a result of being anxious about future and other being an un-achieved expectation.

While curiosity killed the cat, Anxiety kills everyone. There is only one reality and it can be fathomed only after it occurs. If the expectation, even though not superposable, was same as reality, the problem only gets magnified. The harmony in imagination and reality perturbs the mind to fantasize reality and expectations about the future cross the healthy limits. Then, isn't it really daring to dream!

I did dare to dream. This daring act of mine has increased my confidence and has made me stronger. Anxiety can befall as a result of this unleashed dream. Unchecked, the expectations have grown into a phantom. To leash such a dream into reality is the most risking indulgence. Even if I don't achieve this expectation, pampering such fantasies would not stop. The courage to pamper such an uncorked reverie would only make me bold.

I Dare to Dream. I relish this spoiling indulgence.